SPM #150: How To Build a Great Brand For Your Business

How To Build a Great Brand For Your Business

Branding your business is crucial these days. We’re always looking for ways to separate our services from the place down the street. Well, your brand does just that. It allows you to set your pricing and build a better more sustainable business over time. It also attracts the right people, whether those are customers or future team members.

On this episode of the show, I’m joined by Garvan Smyth who overseas over 30 different restaurant brands in the super competitive Irish market. We’ll share our top tips for perfecting your brand and utilizing it to grow your business. We also announce the start of our new Pizza Success School. The place to build and learn what’s working in the restaurant and marketing space.

What To Listen For:

  • What does brand actually mean
  • How to know if your branding is good or bad
  • How to build a great brand
  • Why the detail matter
  • Companies with great branding to watch

Mentioned In This Episode

Thanks For Listening

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