SPM #90: John Arena of Metro Pizza

John Arena Metro Pizza

John Arena of Metro Pizza Las Vegas

Owning 5 locations with 2 more that are licensed out is no easy feet. John from Metro Pizza joins me to chat about what it’s like through the years of growing this business. Having operated for many years and also teaching a class about operating a pizzeria business at a local college John has a vast knowledge about growing a business.

We talked about many things in this episode but mostly about the mindset behind and operator who in the beginning at least, Usually thinks about growing to have multiple locations. John gives some great advice and tips on how you need to go at it.

What To Listen For:

  • How John started Metro Pizza
  • What’s the right kind of mentality for growth
  • Who is the wrong type or personality that growth won’t work for
  • How to grow the right team
  • Why the numbers matter
  • Why deciding who you are is the number one factor for success

Mentioned In This Episode:

Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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