SPM #84: Selling Better w/ James Clary

Smart Pizza Marketing

Selling Better w/ James Clary

 On this week’s interview, I talked with James Clary who wrote the book on selling better whether that be at the table or on the phone. We often try when someone calls to make that phone call go as quickly as possible but by doing this we’re leaving so much money on the table.

James and I discuss many ways to not only increase the average ticket, but James gives some great tips on hoe to better train and hire the right people to get this accomplished better.

We often say hire for attitude and train for skill. Is that what you are doing? Or ar you just hiring anyone and trying to teach both?

What to Listen:

  • Can you sell better by listening
  • Why hiring for attitude is crucial
  • How to teach selling to your servers
  • Why the customer service rep is the most important person in your business
  • What you need to get started training servers better
  • James #1 tip to make your business more profitable

Mentioned In This Episode:

Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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