SPM #73: Motivating and Business Building

master pizza

Building a Pizza Franchise 

Way back in episode 15 of the Smart Pizza Marketing show I interviewed Michael Lamarca of Master Pizza. Since then Michael and I have had many conversations about doing another show and talking about the process of building a franchise.

Michael isn’t with us on this episode but his President is! Jeremy Galvin is the president of Master Pizza and works with Michael to build the systems they need to expand the business. 

In this show, we cover that process of building out the proper systems. Jeremy gives some great tactical advice you can take away and use in your business today. We also discuss the process of hiring a great team and why, where you look, doesn’t matter. It’s what you ask them that does.

We end it with a little social media and marketing talk and Jeremy gives us a few tips on what’s currently working for them right now. 

What We Talked About:

  • Why where you look for employees doesn’t matter
  • What to look for in your new team members
  • How Jeremy met Michael
  • What’s working for them on social media
  • Where Jeremy got his start in the industry
  • The former partner and guest he worked with previously
  • Why motivating your team is super important

Mentioned in This Episode:

Also, if you want a free social media checklist get it free here :)

Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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