SPM #55: Facebook Reach-Tools for Social-Employees

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Facebook Reach-How to Find Employees Plus Social Tools

This weeks show is a solo podcast where I answer your questions. As always, if you have a question, send it to Bruce @ SmartPizzaMarketing.com

Questions on This Epsiode:

Anthony from Urban Fire Pizza:

“Was talking to Scott Weiner the other day and he was really high on it. Btw, great interview with him. 

Also, had a question….   When you post something to your Facebook page, what is the actual percentage of people who see it??? Does the percentage get higher as more people “like” it?  I’m confused because all I see is the # of “views”.  Does that mean people reached or people who clicked on it??? Any info you have would be great. “

John Asks

“What are some apps I can use to help with social media management and content creation?”

Joe Asks 

“What do you think about the study that fox news put out about the Tech is killing off America’s independent pizzerias, says industry report?”

Everyone asks (lol)

“Having a hard time finding employees who care and want to work any suggestions to find people?”

Mentions In This Episode:

I have created a whole page about the tools I use that can help with your social media creation and management. Check out all the tools here

Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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