SPM #147: Being A Part Of your Local Community w/ Bambolina Pizza

Being A Part Of your Local Community w/ Bambolina Pizza

I live pretty close to Bambolina and a few family members boasted that they served great pizza. After doing a little research I reached out to Larry and asked him to join us to chat pizza and biz.

Larry and Tim have been longtime friends and after working for many restaurants as well as resorts they decided to create their own style of a pizzeria.  Larry’s love for wood fired pizza inspired them to open their first brick and mortar location in Salem, MA. We talk how they’ve done in their first 2 years of operating and how they plan to grow the business brand.

What To Listen For:

  • How Larry and Tim met
  • Why they chose their current location
  • What social network is working best for them
  • How they market through community events
  • How they’ve grown a social following
  • Why they opened another restaurant so quickly
  • How they find and train employees
  • And so much more

Mentioned In This Episode

Thanks For Listening

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