Pizza, Instagram and Cooking at Home w/ Andris of The Baking Steel

Pizza, Instagram and Cooking at Home w/ Andris of The Baking Steel

Andris, the founder of The Baking Steel, joins us on the podcast this week. We cover quite a few different topics making this a very interesting episode. We obviously go into the history of the baking steel and how that got started but also cover many of items in the world of pizza. Andris and I chat about our thoughts on pizzerias in Boston as well as how to leverage Instagram to grow your brand.

If you’re into pizza and marketing, which I assume you are, then this episode will be a good one for you.

What To Listen For:

  • What is The Baking Steel
  • Why and How it started
  • Our favorite pizza spots in Boston
  • Dough and how to make great dough at home
  • Why pizza never comes out that good at home
  • Instagram and how to leverage it for business

Mentioned In This Episode:

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