Brooklyn Pizza Crew’s Nino Coniglio

Brooklyn Pizza Crew’s Nino Coniglio

I’ve known Nino Conigliaro for a long time and we’ve never seemed to be able to get on the same schedule when it comes to him joining me on the podcast today, that all changes. You may know Nino from his Brooklyn Pizza Crew videos or from Williamsburg pizza in Brooklyn. Today Nino and I sit down and talk about what’s changed over the years in the pizza industry and also what’s coming.

Nino has a unique style of communicating but in our industry sometimes that’s needed to get attention.

Things To Listen For:

  • What is The Brooklyn Pizza Crew
  • How does Nino spend his time
  • What’s new or coming to the pizza industry
  • Why is Nino afraid for the younger pizza operators
  • What is the #1 thing you need to do in our day for exposure


Mentioned In This Episode

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