What’s coming in 2020 for Restaurant Marketing

What’s coming in 2020 for Restaurant Marketing

While 2019 was a great year, I am very much looking forward to 2020. Not only do I have many great interviews lined up for you but also, am excited to announce the launch of a new podcast called The Local Business Podcast, where we expand our reach and talk to other local business owners or marketers. They share their different strategies and discuss what is working for them in their local businesses. 

 This week, I’m going to share two clips from the new podcast. The first one with Jay Baer from Convince and Convert talks about talk triggers. The second clip is from Roger Wakefield, a highly successful plumber in Texas, who is using LinkedIn and YouTube to dramatically expand his brand and grow his local business.

 I think you’re going to love this podcast so please subscribe on iTunes or your favorite podcast player and let me know what you think of the new show.

Mentioned In This Episode:

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Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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