SPM #78: Becoming A World Pizza Champion

World Pizza Champion

Becoming A World Pizza Champion with Jamie Culliton

As the case with a lot of us, Jamie got started in the pizza industry when he was in high school to earn some extra money. His job title was a delivery driver but after having car issues he moved into the kitchen. It didn’t take long for Jamie to fall in love with making pizzas. 

Fast forward to today, Jamie has had much success in the pizza industry and has won several competitions. However, it wasn’t always an easy road (finishing dead last in his first competition in Las Vegas). The great thing is that he didn’t give up and his passion has taken him to the top winning the championship this past year in Italy.

What To Listen For:

  • Why failing doesn’t mean it’s over
  • How he got on the US Pizza Team
  • What’s involved with being on the pizza team
  • Who’s the best competitor Jaimie has ever seen
  • What goes into the perfect routine

Mentioned In This Episode:

Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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