SPM #77: A Conversation With Paulie Gee

Paulie G

Paulie From Paulie Gee’s in New York

I recorded this talk with Paulie way back in February and I had thought I lost it! It’s such a great story and so happy that I finally found it.

Paulie started out by building a pizza oven in his back yard eventually inviting friends and family over to try out his creations. After contacting some local bloggers and pizza friends he started to grow a following.

He decided (after a little convincing) to open his first place in March of 2009. He actually knew nothing about the restaurant business but was confident that he had a great pie with great combos.

We talk about what the process was like to open and how you can go from making pizza in your backyard to having one of the most well-known names in pizza!

What to Listen For:

  • Paulie says he isn’t in the pizza industry?
  • What it’s like to eat at Paulie’s
  • Why he started to make pizza
  • How he got noticed
  • Where Paulie’s looking to go next

Links From The Show:

Thanks For Listening

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