SPM #69: Giving Back w/ Obaid from A Slice Of Hope


slice of hope


Giving Back with Obaid Kadwani, Founder Of A Slice Of Hope

I’ve heard of “A Slice Of Hope” a few times in the past but it wasn’t until I met Obaid at a recent networking event with Colony Foods and PMQ magazine here in Boston, that I really understood what it was all about.

Obaid started this program back in 2007 as a way of spreading hope to those in shelters or who had fallen onto hard times. As a kid, I know the feeling of embarrassment of receiving food stamps or free lunch in school. Obaid is trying to stamp out the stigma of needing assistance. He has made it a mission spreading the word that we all may need help from time to time and that when you do, it’s ok to ask for it. 

It is so important to gather as a community and help out others when we have the means. I chat with Obaid and we talk about why he started this organization and what we can do to help out.

Mentioned In This Episode:

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