SPM #56: SnapChat and Social Media RoundTable

Snapchat Roundtable

SnapChat and Social Media RoundTable

This is the replay of the Live show we did on Monday night. I was joined by Mike Ganino, Alberto of Forza Pizza and Giorgio of Franks Pizza House in Toronto. We talked a lot about Snapchat but we also got into Instagram and Live Video as well.

SnapChat is getting over 100 million unique views every day and is a huge social network however many pizzeria owners have no idea how to get started. Mike, Alberto and Giorgio share some great tips on how to begin and also give advice on the many different types of content you can create for your business. 

Mentioned In This Episode:

Mike Ganino


Giorgio of Franks Pizza House

Smart Pizza Marketing

  • SnapChat: @SmartPizzaTips


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