SPM #45: 5 Locations & 350 Employess YNot Italian w/ Tony DiSilvestro

SPM #45

5 Locations in Virginia, Tony DiSilvestro of YNot Italian

YNot Italian, located near Virginia beach, has 5 locations and 350 employees. The journey first began way back in 1993… 

Tony grew up in the pizza business and after moving to Virginia from New Jersey, began the hunt to open his first restaurant. After 2 long years of searching he finally found the perfect spot and quickly realized that he wanted to make sure that everything in the restaurant had a system and treat the business like a franchise. 

Now with 5 locations and 350 employees, Tony has built a tremendous business using social media and technology to reach existing and new customers.

What to Listen For:

  • How Tony got started in the business
  • How they are using social media
  • Why they don’t use coupons
  • How they train new employees
  • Why they treated it like a franchise from day 1
  • What Tony looks for in any new location
  • How they manage 350 employees
  • How they find new employees
  • Why having enough funds is important when opening a new store
  • How they run their VIP program and how it’s working

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A Big Thank You to Tony for coming on the show!

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