Buying an Existing Pizzeria and Reinventing It w/ Shar or Red Sauce Pizza

Buying an Existing Pizzeria and Reinventing It w/ Shar or Red Sauce Pizza

Shardell started in the pizza industry as a delivery driver and working in the kitchen like many of us. After many years of working with some great pizzeria operators, she decided she wanted to take over a local pizzeria and make it her own.

After months of negotiating and trying to convince the owner to sell, she finally took over and got to work. Today, we talk about her early journey in the industry and why she wanted to take over this one specific spot. We also get into the ups and downs of being the boss and growing in the industry.

What To Listen For:

  • How Shar started in the pizza industry
  • Working with Apizza Schols
  • Turning around an existing pizzeria
  • Owning vs working
  • Growing pains of a new business owner
  • What’s the future hold

Mentioned In This Episode:

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