Why I Hate Marketers

Why I Hate Marketers  (Coming from an owner) 

Hey guys, Bruce from Smart Pizza Marketing here. First off, be forewarned that this post is going to be kind of a rant..

If you listen to the show, I’ve been talking about Facebook Messenger marketing for a while and recently Facebook tested out putting businesses into a folder inside of Messenger.

So I wrote a post about it and I said, “Hey, listen, if you didn’t get on the bot train yet, it might be too late. Facebook is making some changes and this is one of the changes that they’re making.” And immediately five marketers reached out to me saying, “That’s not true. They didn’t do that. They didn’t make the changes. This is just a test,” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

The reason I wanted to share this scenario with you is that this is a great example of why you have to be careful of who you listen to.

If you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed or your Instagram feed, you’ll see this example…

“Hey restaurant owner, we’re going to give you 147 leads for four pennies.”

First of all, what restaurant owner calls a customer a lead? And second of all, who the hell are you for me to trust in order to give you my money? It irritates the crap out of me that these people follow our page and then prey on the people who we are trying to help educate.

I know hands on exactly what it’s like to be in the kitchen all day long, getting phone call after phone call from people trying to sell you stuff. Then going on Facebook or on Instagram and now someone’s trying to sell you a system because Facebook Messenger’s the next “hot thing”.

So listen up, I’m here to tell you that there is no system out there that’s going to give you 400 customers in a week for a very low price. It just doesn’t exist. What works is dedication and consistency. So when you follow people, just be careful of who they are and do your homework. Also, be aware that it’s never going to be about that one tool or that one tactic that’s going to help you grow your business.

It’s about overall branding of your business and that’s why we try to teach you on this podcast. I will never shove our products or services down your throat. I’ll always try to bring you value and help you and guide you with what I think I would do, the friends that I have that are still and the family members that I have that are still in the business that I help, I’ll always share what’s working for us and who you should listen to and who you shouldn’t listen to because I feel like that’s important for me.

Hopefully, you got something out of this rant. The restaurant business is the toughest business that I’ve ever known. Just continue to do your best every single day. Value your business and yourself.

This is the best community that I’ve ever been a part of. The pizza community and the people that are inside of it are amazing. Reach out to them. Learn the best you can. There’s no secret weapon. There is no secret tool or secret tactic. There are no 182 leads. What the hell is the lead anyway for a restaurant owner? There is none of that. It’s called work and it’s called focus and it’s called waking up every day, kicking ass and being the best person that you can possibly be.

Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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