Top Business Podcasts 2015

Top business podcasts

The Top Business Podcasts 2015

If you are like me then you love listening to podcasts. I created this list so you can enjoy these great business podcasts and get some great information about business and marketing. These are my favorite podcasts to listen to and I suggest you give them a try. They have great hosts and also deliver some really great content.

Entrepreneur On Fire

entrepreneur on fire logo


Entrepreneur on fire podcast is a daily (7 days a week) podcast where John Lee Dumas interviews successful entrepreneurs who have taken their journey to the next level. He has a structured 30 minute format for every interview, so you won’t get super detailed information but you will get inspired by the entrepreneurs journey along the way. It can get a bit boring if you listen everyday (John has the same structure for every interview) but I always come back to listen if I’m gone for a little while.

 Favorite Episodes:

Self Made Entrepreneurs

self made podcast


This is a relatively new podcast ( as of 3-15-15) to me at least ha-ha, but it’s a good one. Jason Bax who use to be an actor (or still is not really sure) interviews people who have turned their idea into a business and took the entrepreneurial leap. What separates this from other interview style podcasts is Jason really asks the question you are thinking but don’t really hear other interviewers ask. I like his no fear style of asking those questions. Take a listen you won’t regret it.

Favorite Episodes:


The Lede

the lede podcast


By Copyblogger is a podcast about copy-writing and marketing. The show says it is a weekly show but it seems to be a bit inconsistent. Easy to listen to and only 30-45 per episode. Great listen to learn whats working in writing and marketing for your online business. Topics include Email, social media, innovation, SEO, productivity, mobile, conversion, publishing, and everything in between.


  Favorite Episodes:


Social Media Examiner

social media examiner logo


Micheal Stelzner brings you this podcast about all things social media. His weekly interviews with the top experts in the world of social media will dive deep into each platform and go over what is working and how it can help you grow your business. They go over what’s working in general not for a specific industry but that’s where you put your spin on it. He also adds a new tool or app that he has discovered and may help you in the beginning of every show.


Favorite Episodes:


I Love Marketing

i love marketing


Joe Polish and Dean Jackson have been in the marketing and podcasting world for a very long time. This podcast will go over all things marketing from direct mail to e-mail marketing. They have guests on sometimes but when they just talk the two of them about their experience in marketing its gold.  Joe is from the carpet cleaning world and Dean is from the real estate world so all there knowledge can be used in your industry too.


Favorite Episodes:


The Solopreneur Podcast


  Micheal Oneal podcasts about being a solopreneur. It is definitely a great show to listen to while your working. We all feel like we are alone in our journey and Micheal’s take on being a solopreneur and what it takes is spot on. He also has guests on that you will not hear on other podcasts that make it a great listen. Its not all business on this podcasts which makes it entertaining as well as informative.



 Favorite Episodes:


*Bonus: This one may not be business related but Definitely worth a listen.

WDW Radio 

Wdw radio smart pizza marketing

Lou Mongello is a great host of this podcast focusing on all this Disney. His passion for the subject he talks about as well as his belief in himself to take his passion for Disney and turn it into a business will inspire you to think bigger and go after that thing you have been thinking about for ever. 


Whats Yours?

Have a podcast that you love to listen to that I didn’t mention? Just leave it as a comment below.


Thanks again for stopping by, make sure you check out our podcast here. We try to have some great experts on that can help you grow your business. Whether your just starting out or want to take your business from good to great, that’d what we want to help you achieve.
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