Stand Out with the Pizza Savor

Pizza Savor

Pizza Savor JPeg

Stand Out with the Pizza Savor

Ed Noe from joins the show to discuss their innovative product that can really help you stand out above the competition.

In today’s world, making sure that your product stands out above all the other similar places is super important. SO how do you do that and at the same time create a better product for your customer???

The Pizza Savor is a patented food grade, FDA approved, recyclable material that improves air flow between the crust and the box.

 The Pizza Savor lifts the crust out of the pooling greasy cold liquid normally associated with take-out & delivery dining. The result is a pie crust which is not a wet, soggy mess. Pizza Savor costs less than 1 topping but can dramatically increase your sales and profits.  

 Listen as Ed and I talk about the benefits of using this product to help not only give your customers a better experience but also grow your brand.


For More Information and A Free Sample:

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