SPM #79: 5 Facebook Mistakes To Avoid

5 Mistakes to Avoid (2)
Facebook Marketing Mistakes To Avoid For Pizzerias and Restaurants

Facebook, as everyone knows is the major player when it comes to attention to social media marketing. They have all the data and the biggest user base of any of the networks. If you can figure out how to use facebook effectively for your business you’ll stand a good chance of building a loyal engaged following that will love to hear from you. 

If you don’t understand how to use facebook or any social media platform effectively, you’re going to waste a ton of time and maybe even money. 

Here are 5 mistakes I seen companies make on facebook. After reading this go back and analyze your efforts on facebook and make sure you aren’t committing any of these.

Mistake #1: Posting all Text

Make it more appealing to the eye of someone scanning the news feed by adding an image or a short video.

Mistake #2: Not posting consistently

You don’t have to post 5 times a day ,but you do need a little consistency with your posts. Maybe make it a point to start at 3 times a week, then when that starts to get easier add a day and so on. Don’t post 7 times and then take 2 weeks off..it won’t work and you’ll just be wasting your time.

Mistake #3: All promotions- all the time

Mix it up a little and show some other things going on in your town. Share some info from other local businesses in your town. 

Ask yourself….What are the people who follow you also interested in? Share that!

Mistake #4 Ignoring negative (or positive) Comments

If someone takes 2 seconds of their day to respond to your post, take the time to respond back. Good or bad leave a comment acknowledging them and make an effort to connect.

Mistake #5 Not driving customers to email

Having a large social media following is great, but what if one day facebook decides to reduce the reach you get with your audience from 50% to 2%? 

Wait, that already happened… Drive them to a landing page and collect their email! 

If you’re not sure what that means set up a free 15-minute strategy session with us and we’ll help you out with it.

So go back now and take a look at your page. How’d you do? If you’re making any of these it’s ok. Just stop doing it and fix it. 

We talk about how to better use social media every week on our live show and inside our mastermind group.

Join us! It’s a great place to learn and get your marketing questions answered.

Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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