SPM #72: 5 SnapChat Hacks You Didn’t Know About

 5 Snapchat hacks for restaurant (2)

5 Snapchat Tips For Your Restaurant

Snapchat has been out for a while now but it seems that just in the last 6-9 months, it has really been on the everyone’s radar. I have to say, it isn’t the easiest app in the world to get use to.

Unlike Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which are pretty self-explanatory when it comes to the UX, Snapchat takes a little time to get to know even if you’ve used it for a while. There are always updates and new features to make it a little more fun.

In this episode, I’ll give you 4 or 5 Snapchat hacks. If you knew about these and know some other ones, leave them as a comment below.

Here we go:

Use Multiple Filters

After you choose a filter, hold it down on the screen with your thumb and swipe left or right to add an additional filter.

You can use up to 3 filters per video or photo.

Add Music To Your Snap Videos

If you open your music app and play music with your phone, you can then open the Snapchat app and start to record your video.

Snapchat will then pull in the audio from the music your phone is playing. This is great if you use want high-quality music playing on your Snaps.

Moving Emojis

If you add an emoji to a moving target at the beginning of a video, Snapchat will have that emoji follow that object throughout the entire snap which is pretty cool.

Use Your Volume Button

Instead of awkwardly holding the button in the middle of the screen for videos or photos, use the volume button on your iPhone. 

This makes it much easier to see how long you have left to record your video.

Listen For Number 5 🙂 



Try these out and see if your team members or followers are aware of these cool hacks. Make sure to add me on Snapchat for behind the scenes of marketing and podcasting.


Thanks For Listening

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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