SPM #1: Introduction to Smart Pizza Marketing

Pizza Marketing

 Introduction to Smart Pizza Marketing

Thanks for taking the time to listen to episode #1 of the Smart Pizza Marketing Podcast.

In future episodes I will be interviewing marketing and business experts and ask them questions to help you grow your business. I will also be interviewing successful pizzeria operators who have gone on the journey already and have been very successful at growing there business and have them tell their story for us to learn form.

It takes a lot of work and focus to go from a single location operator to having 2 or more locations and I want to ask them to explain how they did it.

What obstacles did they encounter? If they could go back the beginning what would they change or do differently? Also I want to ask them what’s working now for them and whats maybe not working so well anymore.

We will also be posting weekly blog posts that dive into the tools and tactics you can use in your business. This site was created for you to use it as a resource page to bookmark and refer back to for all your marketing needs and questions.

Items mentioned in this Episode

Who would you like to hear from? Do you have a specific person or topic that you would lie me to cover in this podcast? Email me and tell me your ideas or topic that you would like us to discuss. Also head over the the staring here page where you can get started with all the information on this site and find out where to start.

Thanks again for listening and if you could leave a review in iTunes that would help out the show so much. 

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