My Thoughts on Pizza Expo

It’s time for the annual pizza expo in Las Vegas. As much as I’d love to attend and experience all the excellent pizza-related festivities, I’m afraid I won’t be going this year. There are a few reasons why I won’t be attending, and I’d like to share them with you.

Reason #1: It’s Too Far

Let’s face it, Las Vegas is far from where I live. With the cost of airfare, hotels, and other expenses, it’s not something I want to spend money on or think is worth the expense. Instead, I’ll focus on growing my other businesses and talking to people on the podcast.

Reason #2: It Feels Like a Club, and Most of Us Aren’t Invited Into the Club

The pizza expo has become more of a closed-off event in recent years. It’s almost like an exclusive club. It is easy to get in if you’re a hotshot pizza maker or well-known restaurateur. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t have had a great time if I did attend, but it’s not something I’m interested in.

Reason #3: It’s the Same Show Every Year

I’ve heard many people say that the pizza expo is the same every year. Sure, there are some new products, some new ideas, and some new vendors, but overall it seems like the same event. If I spend the money to attend this event, I’d like to see something new and exciting.

Reason #4: I’m not too fond of Las Vegas

Lastly, I don’t like Las Vegas. It’s a great place to visit, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea. I’m not too fond of the crowds, the noise, the heat, or the suffocating feeling of being in a city that never sleeps.

So there you have it. Those are the four reasons I won’t attend this year’s pizza expo in Las Vegas. I’m sure it’ll be a great event, but I’ll have to experience it vicariously through other people’s stories.

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