Must Read : The One Thing

Must Read

The One Thing: The Surprising Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

The One Thing is a great book written by Jay Papesan and Gary Keller. If you’re not familiar with Gary Keller, he started Keller Williams Realty and is also the author of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. 

This is a great read for those of us (myself included) who find it difficult or even boring to focus on one particular thing at a time in business. That being said, it does do a great job explaining why that is not the best thing and how it actually deters success in the long run.

The One Thing explains that working on “1 thing” until completed will in the long run be waaay better for you and your business. It highlights some ways to stay focused and a few other things that are just as important.

Key Takeaways:

Stop multi tasking! You are not good at it no matter what you think. Focus on one thing until it’s done then move on to the next. Be sure you know what your ultimate goal is first, then figure out your one thing that if completed, will move you towards that goal today.

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