Book Review: Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

crush it book review

Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk is the poster boy for a small business that has leveraged passion, product, social media to stimulate incredible business growth and community around his brand…

Gary joined and built “Wine Library” through his family liquor store and grew the business from 3 to 60 million using the new age marketing strategies detailed in this book. Keep in mind, that this book was written in 2009 so some things have changed however, the overall message remains the same.

The real take away message from this book is that in the “new age” of life (with social media and just the way people consume information in general), there are opportunities everywhere to not only do what you love but actually create a business out of it.

 It’s a great motivational/business book for anyone in need of a few ideas or a jump start to get you moving in the right direction.

Get a free copy of this audio book here

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