4 Free Tools to Create Images for Your Social Media


4 Free Tools To Create Custom Images

When you get started on social media it can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many tools and resources or even blogs that give you tips and tricks or tools to get going. I use these 4 tools to create custom images for all my social media platforms.

I Have found that the 4 tools below are best suited for what we do in the pizza business. Our main goal is to communicate our service or product to our customers in the most efficient way possible. As business owners we don’t have tons of time to dedicated to social media so speed and efficiency are most appreciated.

So here they are..

Pic Monkey

I have mentioned this tool in previous posts, it is one of my favorite free online tools for editing photos for any post or to send to any social media site. All you need to so is upload your photo and know the dimensions needed for each particular site. Then  you can adjust it super easy using the image resizer.

Go to their website Picmonkey.com

  • Upload the photo you would like to edit or adjust.

Pic Monkey


  • Adjust the size by using the adjust size button or you can crop it and re-size that way.

Pic Monkey


  • Use all the free tools they have to cusomize your photo.



  • Save to your computer for upload. Use the triangle on the side to save o a particular folder in your computer.

pic monkey

Quick tip if you want a better quality photo use the Sean  setting to save your photos. The default one is  Pierce that one is good but Sean is better.



Create great photos for your social media or website with this simple free online  tool. They have a ton of free templates and pictures to add but they also have lots of photos that you can add for only $1.

  • Choose the platform you need from the available templates

Screenshot (70)


  • Or if you know the dimensions needed you can simply select the custom image size and it will pre-populate that size for you.

Screenshot (71)


As you produce lots of content for your site you may find the need to get some fresh ideas or photos instead of taking them all yourself. Flickr is a great photo site where people upload great photos all the time.

You can use any of the photos in creative commons so long as you give the proper credit.

Screenshot (72)

This is a quick way to get great eye capturing photos for your content without having to stress over how and when you are going to find the time to create them yourself, and then procrastinating so much you never actually get around to doing it at all.


Social image re-sizer

Each social media site has there own image size specific for the type of use. This image re-sizer tool from these guys will take away all that confusion for you.

Simply Add any photo you have into their sizer. Then pick what you are sizing that photo for. It will automatically re-size it for the appropriate platform.

Screenshot (74)

*Bonus Tip Your Iphone

Your Iphone believe it or not takes amazing photographs. If you are taking pictures of your food this is the tool I would use. It is mobile, always with you and really is an underrated camera. Make sure you use the HDR setting on your camera to really make your pictures pop. When your done just upload them to dropbox or evernote and then you can use the tools above to edit them for posting on your sites.

I used some of these tools above to create the images for this post.


Main image source Steven Snodgrass

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