3 Facebook Marketing Tips For Restaurants and Pizzerias

3 Facebook Marketing Tips For Restaurants and Pizzerias

Facebook just recently announced a big change the way business will be able to reach their followers and potential followers. If you’re wondering how you can grow your Facebook followers and how you can convert those followers into sales for your business moving forward I have a few tips for you. On this weeks video, learn three things that are currently working to help you achieve that.


Create Videos (Live If Possible)

Make videos on Facebook, whether it be creative videos or Facebook live. If you are going to use Facebook live, make sure that you are comfortable in front of the camera. Practice by making Instagram stories and trying out Snapchat, also record the video on your phone before you go live to rehearse what you are going to say so that you don’t get nervous.

Use Facebook Bots

Another great way to gain followers for your business is to use Facebook bots, which are similar to email automation sequences. With Facebook bots, you can send automated messages to people, however, be careful with the number of messages that you send so that you aren’t annoying the people you are sending these messages to. We suggest using a tool to automate messages based on comments to specific posts. Then once or twice a month send a broadcast message to these subscribers with offers and updates.

Facebook Retargeting.

Retarget people you have already watched or liked your videos. Also, use tools within Facebook to communicate with your page moving forward. Say you posted a video and someone watched the entire thing, you wouldn’t have to send them as aggressive deals because they are probably a really engaged user or customer, instead, you might want to send them general awareness posts. If someone watched only 20 to 30 percent of your video, you might want to be more aggressive with them in order to make them a more engaged customer.

Thanks For Joining Us

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com 

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